Update on Service

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Hi Everyone,

In these difficult times, we understand that this situation has affected you in many ways. Please know, we are here to help you. Until normal practice resumes we are working on ways we can best support you and your healthcare needs. Updates on what we can now offer are explained in a series of posts. Firstly – regarding urgent or acute situations:

Chiropractic is classed as an essential service during the Covid-19 shut down. This is however limited to visits that are consistent with Dr Henry’s orders. CCBC’s classification of a condition being emergency, urgent or essential is:

The patient has an acute condition that without care:
* Would severely limit him or her from daily living
* And/or patient has an acute condition that requires immediate attention to relieve pain
* Or because his or her daily activities are severely limited


The Chiropractor can ensure that the care will provided in a manner that provides adequate protection against the risk of Covid-19 infection

We are taking precautions to ensure your safety. These include:

* Screening process over the phone before an appointment is made
* Asking clients to wait outside until called in
* A gap between clients
* Extra cleaning procedures using BC Ministry of Health recommended sanitizing cleaners
* Asking every client to either wash hands or use hand sanitizer

If you are in need of an appointment, please call, text or email us. Dr Tucker will first go through a screening process with you before booking an appointment. If it is considered that your symptoms should be able to be managed through Telehealth assessment and instruction for self-care we will explore those options first. Information on Telehealth services will follow in another post.

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