Notice Regarding Current Care

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Please see below a required notice regarding scheduling of “emergent, urgent and/or essential care”.


As required by the Provincial Health Officer and the College of Chiropractors of BC, during the COVID-19 pandemic, chiropractors can only treat patients in-person when providing “emergent, urgent and/or essential care.”

You must schedule an appointment for in-person treatment. Unscheduled, drop-in treatment is not permitted.

Before you can schedule in-person treatment, you must be interviewed by Dr Steve Tucker from Dr Steve Tucker Chiropractic to confirm whether you require “emergent, urgent and/or essential care” and to assess your risk for COVID-19 infection.

Dr Steve Tucker must interview you over the phone or using internet communications. You cannot be interviewed in person.

To schedule an interview, please call/text 250 354 8822 or email

Notice Ends

Also – a reminder that CCBC’s classification of a condition being emergent, urgent or essential is:

The patient has an acute condition that without care:
* Would severely limit him or her from daily living
* And/or patient has an acute condition that requires immediate attention to relieve pain
* Or because his or her daily activities are severely limited


The Chiropractor can ensure that the care will provided in a manner that provides adequate protection against the risk of Covid-19 infection

We are taking precautions to ensure your safety. These include:

* Screening process over the phone before an appointment is made
* Asking clients to wait outside until called in
* A gap between clients
* Extra cleaning procedures using BC Ministry of Health recommended sanitizing cleaners
* Asking every client to either wash hands or use hand sanitizer
* Use of a gown and fabric mask with filter insert by the Chiropractor
* Provision of fabric masks with filter inserts for the client’s use
* Administrative staff working from home (no one at reception)

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