3 Reasons Why You Should Start Foam Rolling Today

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Foam rolling is all the rage these days.  Even Mindbodygreen published a post titled, “Why you should foam roll everyday.

But, what does it really do?

If done correctly, foam rolling can make a big difference to your overall health.

Here are 3 reasons why I think you should foam roll everyday:

  1. It feels fantastic.  If you like deep tissue massage, you’ll love foam rolling.  At the time it can be pretty intense, but you feel great when it’s done.
  2. It makes you more flexible.  A study showed that foam rolling significantly increases range of motion, without decreasing strength.  This is very significant.  Science has shown us that prolonged static stretching in your warm-up can decrease your performance.  So you might want to consider foam rolling before your workout instead of doing your static stretches.  Try foam rolling before your next yoga practice.  You’ll notice a difference.
  3. It decreases likelihood of injury.  It’s very simple, if you’re increasing your flexibility without decreasing strength, you’re less likely to injure yourself.  But it has to be done regularly.

Definitely consider adding foam rolling to your routine.  When you start, you’ll probably find it somewhat uncomfortable.  But stick with it and within a few weeks, you’ll notice a big difference.  This video shows you the basics of foam rolling.


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